Wednesday, June 9, 2010

5 Tips To Stop Your Divorce In Time

Life is full of challenges and facing a challenge in your marriage is not an unusual situation.If you are in a fist in your marriage and it looks as if your matrimony is heading towards divorce, the tips in this article is the solution you have been waiting for.Its not too late to mend your marriage no matter how damaging it may seems right now.All you need is to believe that you can bring back the first love and start experiencing the blissful moments you had with your spouse in the past.The very important point is absolutely not to quit too early in putting a stop to divorce before its in its final stages.

1.Begin all over again - Begin with a fresh start. Remember when you first met and everything was great? Each of you seemed to know what to do. The relationship was everything you wanted, right? Become re-acquainted. Get to know each other all over again. Begin by wooing each other like you did back then. Think a minute on those special moments. Think about those moments again.

2.Celebrate your love life! - Plan for special days in romantic ways. Make a note of very special days. The ones that belong just to the two of you; your first date, when you first made love, when you moved into your home, the day you got married, the day of the proposal. Plan something really special.

3.Show affection! - There is great healing in your power of touch. Hold hands. Kiss in your car. Give your partner a massage. Spend time holding and caressing. Give your partner an extended hug every day; one that lasts several minutes. Purpose to touch each other every day.

4.Find the aid of marriage councelor if need be. There are experts in this field who could lead you both to see things truthfully and to mend the trouble area in your matrimony. No matter how deep down the pit the situation might be, these qualified personnel can help you both to manage the matter and very possibly save your marriage. It may not be an expensive consultation,but make sure it is executed prior to deciding to apply for a divorce.

5.Fun, fun, fun! - Kick your heels up and play like a kid again. Tell your partner you want to enjoy what he or she enjoys and then spend the entire day together. Make a commitment to do this regularly.

As simple as the advice above may sound,it can perform wonder if applied in faith.Take action on them now and you'll be on track to stop your divorce. You will definitely still have an opportunity at saving your marriage if you don't give up.Divorce is a very hard time for everyone to deal with. It can be very hard on a person emotionally and physically as well,therefore,make it a commitment to stop it in time.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

10 Practical Tips to Enhance your Love Life For A Healthy Relationship

Romance in a relationship is the chord that makes the heart beat strongest. Without it, love can weaken and even disappear.What makes romance so powerful and so necessary to our life? Is it that romance is the language that only the heart knows best? When we show the one we desire most that they are special to us, we are being romantic. We can do this in so many different and unique ways.Any good relationship requires effort to keep it alive. Your unique way of being romantic is your personal anchor to securing the heart of another.Romance the one you love with confidence!
You can simply follow these tips and do the do things, or, you can adapt the suggestions below to your own nature. Either way, you will be well on your way to being the true romantic!

1.Rebuild your love life - Work on yourself first. The relationship will follow. Two broken people cannot fix each other. Do something loving for yourself today, and then come back and do something loving for your partner.

2. Be honest with yourself - Only you can do the work that you alone need. Learning to love yourself first teaches you how to love others. Learn to love you. Only then will you have the kind of love your partner needs. Only then.

3. Begin all over again - Begin with a fresh start. Remember when you first met and everything was great? Each of you seemed to know what to do. The relationship was everything you wanted, right? Become re-acquainted. Get to know each other all over again. Begin by wooing each other like you did back then. Think a minute on those special moments. Think about those moments again.

4.Establish a love life enhancement goal - What is your relationship goal? What is most important to you and to your partner? Spend quality time together talking about what is important to both of you. Set some love life goals. Write them all down on paper. Setting goals will allow you both to control the direction of change you wish for. To follow a new path without knowing where it leads is like walking into a maze.

5.Develop a love life sense of humor - Laugh about anything or nothing at all for 1 minute of each day. Show your loved one your lighter side. Smile and then smile again. It's very catching. Cultivate the positive by only looking at the bright side of things for a change.

6.Claim your bliss - Be happy now! It's your choice. Live and love to your absolute fullest and watch as the sparks start to fly.

7.Cultivate togetherness - Plan to spend time together. The key now is to "plan." Stand by what you plan. Keep your commitments to be only with your partner. Work on this together and you will accomplish much more.

8.Show affection! - There is great healing in your power of touch. Hold hands. Kiss in your car. Give your partner a massage. Spend time holding and caressing. Give your partner an extended hug every day; one that lasts several minutes. Purpose to touch each other every day.

9.Celebrate your love life! - Plan for special days in romantic ways. Make a note of very special days. The ones that belong just to the two of you; your first date, when you first made love, when you moved into your home, the day you got married, the day of the proposal. Plan something really special.

10.Fun, fun, fun! - Kick your heels up and play like a kid again. Tell your partner you want to enjoy what he or she enjoys and then spend the entire day together. Make a commitment to do this regularly.
Practise these love enhancement tips and begin to experience a fufilled relationship everyday of yourlife.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Effect Of Divorce On Children

A specialist in human development and family studies from the University of Missouri discussed the impact of divorce on children, mentioning that how they react strongly and differently to their divorcing parents depends on their age.

Infants: higher degree of irritability, more crying and fussing, changes in sleeping and eating habits.

Toddlers: they recognize the fact that one parent is no longer living at home, they have a difficult time physically separating from a parent, may express anger, may lose some skills previously acquired like toilet training, going back to thumb-sucking, experience changes in sleeping patterns, may have nightmares.

Pre-schoolers and early elementary age: may blame themselves for the divorce, may over-worry about changes in their lives, may exhibit sadness and grieving because of the absence of one parent, may be aggressive and violent to the parent they blame for the divorce, may fantasize about their parents getting back together.

Pre-teens: may feel abandoned by the departing parent, may withdraw from friends and favourite activities, may exhibit strange behaviour and use foul language, may feel angry and uncertain about their concepts of love, marriage and family, may feel that they are growing up too soon, and may find themselves preoccupied about their parents’ finances.

Some Eye-Opening Statistics
Although divorced people may have successful subsequent marriages, the divorce rate of remarriages is actually higher than that of first marriages,
Those who get into a live-in arrangement before marrying have a considerably higher chance of divorcing. Reasons are not that clear.

This can probably be explained by the fact that the type of people who tend to co-habit may also be those who are more willing to divorce. There is proof that supports the notion that cohabitation itself generates attitudes in people that are more conducive to divorce, one example of which is the thinking that living together is temporary, and hence an arrangement that can easily be terminated.

Qualitative studies and long term empirical studies have demonstrated that children develop interpersonal problems that become worse in adulthood, thus affecting their own chances at a happy marriage.

As inferred from the previous statement, children of divorce have a much higher rate of divorce than children whose parents stayed together. The old adage that parents set the example is true in this case. Children learn about commitment and permanence from parents. For children of divorced parents, these concepts have already been undermined or shaken.

As you can see the effects of divorce on children could be disastrous. Save your marriage today!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back?

Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex away further? Is this describing your situation to a tee? Are you asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn?

Here are some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

Obviously right now you are serious about saving or rekindling your relationship, which is what led you to this article in the first place. But if you are feeling overly anxious to get your ex back, you may be behaving in the wrong way, causing your ex to pull away naturally. It is human nature in general to resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is completely pointless, and it will only make matters worse.

Are you calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails or text messaging him? Are you trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are doing these things, stop! If you are asking yourself " What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", then you need to stop doing these things right now.

So What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back? Follow this strategy instead.

You are going to need to take a completely fresh approach. Begin by breaking contact off for a while, doing your own thing. During this time where there is no communication between you and your ex boyfriend, you can focus on ways that you can improve your own personal life, rather than focusing on the relationship issues at hand.
This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require discipline to prevent you from returning to your old ways.
During this time, your ex is going to experience a shift in how he feels about you, since you will no longer be pursuing him. You may become mysterious to him in some ways, because he is not sure what you are doing or feeling.
This is actually something that can work in your favor. Now your ex is in a position to actually miss you, which is not possible when you are smothering him.

You must remember that the key to this strategy and repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it. If you are wondering " What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", now you should have a fairly basic understanding on how common mistakes can be avoided.
Once you implement this basic strategy you can restore a balance and allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place.

Just keep yourself grounded and avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will be reminded why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (don't over do it) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top. And then you will stop asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back"

The Dollars And Emotional Costs Of Divorce

The Dollars Costs Of Divorce

From a cost perspective, divorce can be economically damaging not only for the state but also for couples. Consider these figures:
US divorces cost the country $33 billion annually or $312.00 per household;

The average divorce in America costs state and federal governments $30,000 in direct and indirect costs.
Direct costs to the state include child support enforcement, Medicaid payments, temporary assistance to needy families fund (TANF), food stamps and public housing assistance.
To the couple, divorce costs about $18,000 and this would include lost work productivity, relocation costs and legal fees that vary immensely, depending on the nature of the divorce and the situation of the couple.

The Emotional Costs of Divorce

And what about the argument that divorce makes people happier after they leave a sad marriage?
Studies appear to suggest that this is a myth, because evidence points to the contrary. According to the Institute of American Values, when divorced couples were rated with couples who stayed married on 12 parameters of psychological well-being, it was discovered that on average, couples who divorced were no happier five years after the divorce than were equally unhappily married couples who stayed together.

There are other reasons why divorced individuals don’t end up happier:

• Depression symptoms do not necessarily diminish with divorce, nor did divorce raise people’s self-esteem;
• Unhappy marriages were less common than unhappy spouses;
• Staying married did not typically trap unhappy spouses in violent relationships.

Ms. Heines also raised the litigation aspect in most divorces. She said that a significant number of married people usually want to settle their divorce with the least possible hassle, but divorce lawyers are a species to be reckoned with. They come up with arguments to justify getting into World War III, and they drag out the paper work.

For divorcing couples who become emotionally and financially spent, is the courtroom drama really all that worth it? Couldn’t couples just talk about their differences without third parties who are in it to line their pockets?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Secret To Make Your Ex Return Your Call

Are there 'magic' words you can use to get your ex to return your phone calls?
Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words that will nearly cast a spell and make your ex feel almost compelled to return your call.
Cool huh?...
I am going to share this with you because this is one of the biggest questions I get from people just like you that are trying to put their relationship back together.

So I am going to answer..."How do I get my ex to return my phone call, text or IM?"

In the Magic Of Making Up, Travis lay out a complete strategy.
If you use this technique alone, without an 'overall' plan or may damage your relationship more than if they never returned your call.

Before we get into the actual words, let's go over what message almost NEVER works.
and worse...
Puts you in an AWFUL 'psychological' position.
These usually fall into 2 categories.
The PLEAD- Where the message sounds like
"John, please, please call me. This is the 3rd time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you."
"Cindy, this is an emergency. Please call me as soon as you get this."
Now, I think you can see what is wrong with both of those approaches?
So, I won't go on and on...

How To Use Curiosity & Self InterestTo Your Advantage

Two of the most powerful forces in the human mind are
*Curiosity &*Self Interest
And here's the BIG SECRET!
When you combine the two, you have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'
Let's look at what you can say that works nearly EVERY TIME.
In a friendly tone:
"Hi John. It's Cindy. I wanted to let you know I appreciate what you did for me. Call me because I want to thank you in person."
Do you see how that uses BOTH curiosity and self interest?
John will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?""What does she appreciate?" he will be thinking. And he feels good because it is a positive message.
Before you call you need to do the"Set Up"...which is figuring out what he/she did that you appreciate.
It can be any small thing...but needs to be plausible.
But more importantly...
Please have an underlying strategy like I lay out in the Magic Of Making Up System BEFORE you call.
If you apply this technique with no underlying strategy and they call you back you can do more DAMAGE than good if you do not handle it correctly.
What I am saying is...
What you do before, during and after you get them to return your call is MORE important than getting them to return your call.
Make sense?

Now You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection Click Here for more information.

How To Prevent Divorce In Your Marriage In Quick Easy Steps.

Nobody said marriage was ever going to be easy, and if they did, they were lying. It’s perfectly normal in a marriage to have disagreements and times when things involve a little more effort than they used to.
In an ideal world we would sit and talk about these changes and differences in a calm and rational manner, and establish an outcome and move on. Unfortunately things don’t always work like that. Its all too easy to get caught up in the moment and let things deteriorate to the point where you are both wondering why you are still in it.
Amy has developed a course that encourages couples to break the ice and develop ways to interact and strengthen their failing relationship. She deals with topics such as:

Tips on how to rescue your marriage
How to reintroduce passion
How to repair your marriage after an affair
Self assessment Gestures that are more important than words And much, much more....

My first impression of the course was how well laid out it is, in neat, graphically designed ebooks. This is someone who takes their craft seriously and I am immediately confident that I have purchased a professional course that takes both me and my marriage seriously.
I was also pretty impressed with the content, not only with the theory but the accompanying exercises at the end of many chapters that helped cement the concepts and apply it to real life marriages.
The other thing that impressed me is the sheer volume of information, both in the two main Save My Marriage Today ebooks, but also the accompanying bonus ebooks as well. In total it is one of the most comprehensive marriage saving courses I have seen assembled!

Over 2 million couples divorce every year, and many of those could have been avoided if those couples communicated and applied the techniques that Amy shows us in her life-changing course. She can’t work miracles and save every marriage, but if you are serious about resurrecting the love you once had for your partner and saving your marriage, you should maximize your chances and read and apply the relationship advice that Amy has to offer.

Amy is able to identify where you have been going wrong, and shows you how to avoid those crucial mistakes that actually jeopardize your chances of saving your failing marriage.
In addition to this she has included a free email consultation so that customers can discuss any specific problems or further clarification that the course doesn't already cover.
I really do believe Amy is onto a good thing here, and she really can help you save your marriage!
The techniques she reveals are thought provoking and have been proven over and over to help save marriages. I was very impressed when I finished reading this material and have recommended it to everyone I know.
But don’t take my word for it, click here to see for yourself!
I promise you won’t be disappointed, and best of all, it could turn your life around. For a fraction of the cost of a counselor, you can save your marriage!

Saving Marriages With Unconditional Love

In the middle of a session the other day I had a powerful realization. I was asked to think of a relationship I had with something in the last week that in my mind was the ideal relationship, and to think of what it was about that relationship that made it ideal.
A number of people in the group thought of their cars, tool sheds, families, workmates, old friends, even relationships with objects such as their television remote, recliner chair, diamond jewellery or favorite pair of shoes. To each of these people, these things felt comfortable, and simple. The relationships they had with these people or objects was rewarding and easy to maintain.

When my turn came to identify my ideal relationship, I thought of my dog. My dog has very simple needs, and it is the ultimate ego-boost for me when I get home at night and I am greeted in such an enthusiastic fashion. I don’t know of any others that greet me so enthusiastically night after night. No matter how long I have been away from the house or no matter how my day has been. I call this unconditional love.

So what is unconditional love?

Unconditional love is the type of love that comes without conditions. It is the type of love that you have for your partner when the romantic, hollywood-style love is gone. Once the romantic love is gone you make the transition to "real" love. Real love is love you have for your partner despite the knowledge that they are not perfect. You know your partner has faults. You know your partner is not perfect. You know your partner makes mistakes sometimes, but that’s okay. You still love them. This is unconditional love.

The same thing applies to you however in looking at your partner’s faults. You acknowledge that you are the same. You have faults. You are not perfect. You know you make mistakes sometimes, but that’s okay. That’s called self-acceptance, and you expect unconditional love to overcome the faults and imperfections that people have.

So what do you get from this then? Should we all go out and get dogs to teach us something about unconditional love? Maybe there is a lesson to be learnt here. We all clutter our lives with trials and tribulations, and there is the temptation to let our issues rule our lives.
But if you are serious about saving your marriage you need to put the clutter to one side and let your unconditional love come through. It is okay to have faults and make mistakes. And love will conquer them all.
Have a think about unconditional love and how you can apply this realization to your relationship.